Saturday 23 April 2016

   EVS Holiday home work for Class-III

Collage Making
Choose any five animals that have interesting homes, collect facts and pictures of those five animals and make a collage by using ¼ of a chart paper.
10 marks will be added in FA-I for this activity.

SUB: English

I.                   Make a word using all the letters from the combination of letters provided. The word starts with the letter in the middle.

II. Make a list of chocolates you normally eat. Ask each of your friends/family members to tick their favorite chocolate and tell why they like about it.

                                                Hindi Holiday Hw
सुलेख पुस्तिका में दस पेज लिखो।
एक अलग छोटी कापी में प्रतिदिन सलेख लिखो और पढ़ो।
 आ इ  ई उ ऊ ऋ ए  ऐ ओ औ ) की मात्राओं वाले दस – दस शब्द लिखो।
उदाहरण-  बाजार   असली  पुराना  दूर आदि]
(A4 size paper)

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